Terms of conditions of hire


  1. A non-refundable deposit is required at the time of booking.
    Payment should be by BACS to: Bentley Heath Community Association, HSBC Sort Code: 40-
    42-12 Account No: 10149241. Reference your surname and date of booking. Please email us
    to tell us you’ve paid.
  2. The balance of the hire to be paid by BACS to the above account two weeks before your
    function. Please email us to tell us you’ve paid .
  3. The person or organisation to whom the hall is let shall be responsible for its proper and
    orderly use; for leaving the hall in a clean and tidy condition; for ensuring that doors and
    windows are locked and all lights turned off. Hire times must include time to set up and to
    clear away. The hall is not to be used for anything other than the purpose for which it has
    been booked
  4. Children must be supervised at all times.
  5. The hirer shall be liable for any damage done to the hall and its contents. Any breakage or
    loss must be reported to the Lettings Secretary immediately after the letting. Hirers must
    have appropriate insurance for their activities.
  6. Parties are not allowed for people between the ages of 12 and 21 inclusive.
  7. The hall keys shall be returned to the key safe immediately after the function.
  8. The Management Committee reserves the right to cancel any hire in the event of the hall
    being required for use as a Polling Station for a Parliamentary Election, or Local Government
    Elections. In these cases the hirer shall be entitled to a refund of any deposit paid.
  9. In the event of the hall, or any part thereof, being rendered unfit for the use for which is has
    been hired, the Committee shall not be liable to the hirer for any resulting loss whatsoever.
  10. Cars may not be parked so as to cause an obstruction at the entrances to or exits from the
    hall or cause an obstruction onto the public highway.
  11. The Bentley Heath Community Association cannot be held responsible for loss of property
    from the hall or car park.
  12. Fire exit doors must not be blocked at any time.
  13. Maximum numbers permitted in the hall are 80 for general hire and 100 seated in rows.
  14. Hirers must only use electrical equipment which has an up to date PAT test/safety tested equipment.
  15. Smoking is not allowed in any area of the Community Centre.
  16. Without the consent of Solihull MBC the sale of alcohol is not permitted on the premises
    except by the licensee.
  17. There shall be no gambling unless appropriately licensed.
  18. There shall be no dogs other than assistance dogs inside the hall.
  19. Only toddler bouncy castles with a maximum height of 8 feet are permitted on the premises
    as the ceiling is only 10 feet high.
  20. By booking the hall, the hirer agrees to the processing of their personal data (such as name, address, and email) in accordance with our Privacy Statement.
  21. All bookings must be made through the Hallmaster system. If a hirer is unable to book directly, the management team may enter the booking on their behalf, either of which involves submitting the hirer’s details (name, address, and email) to Hallmaster.
  22. To hire the hall you must
  23. The hirer must not:
    • sublet or transfer the hall hire to another party.
    • use the hall for activities requiring a TV licence, (e.g. watch or record live TV broadcasts);
    • use Sellotape or Blu Tac (or similar) on walls, windows, doors or surfaces;
    • use glitter;
    • use fireworks or pyrotechnics on any part of the premises;
    • use smoke machines or snow machines;
    • hang items from the ceiling tiles or anything from the stage pelmet;
    • use deep fat fryers;
    • allow children on, or at the sides of, the stage unsupervised.
  24. The hirer must:
    • immediately wipe up any spillages on the wooden floor;
    • use the pull cords to open and close the stage curtains;
    • leave tables and chairs in accordance with the instructions on the hall walls;
    • leave the hall and kitchen clean and tidy – there is cleaning equipment in the kitchen for your use;
    • leave dirty nappies in the outside wheelie bin not in the bins in the toilets.
    • Report any defects promptly to the Lettings Secretary
  25. Please be considerate to our neighbours by keeping the noise down particularly on arrival and
    departure. Amplified music is not allowed outside the building.
  26. Hirers should only store items on site previously agreed by the BHCC committee