Our Open Day on Saturday 24th October was a great success in spite of the weather. Thirteen of our regular hirers put on displays and demonstrations.

bentley_commcentre_open5The Mayor of Solihull, Cllr Glenis Slater (2nd from right) and Caroline Spelman MP (2nd from left) came along and both were very impressed with the refurbishment, the work undertaken by the committee and the fund-raising done by the hirers. We were delighted that Linda Ridgley (right), who sits on the Grand Panel for Veolia grants, was also able to attend. She also was amazed at the work that had been done, the many and varied organisations that use the hall and pleased to see a thriving hub for the Bentley Heath community and beyond. Richard Bryant and Lucilla Lang of BHCA committee are also pictured.


About 150 people attended during the course of the afternoon and free tea, coffee and cakes were well received. The room was fairly buzzing as the photograph shows.

Pictures by and © to Jon Mullis/Solihull Observer 2015